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STEALTH LEADER FC 100% (Fluorocarbon Leader)

STEALTH LEADER FC 100% (Fluorocarbon Leader)

Stealth Leader Fluorocarbon’s main perk is that it’s practically invisible underwater. It isn’t much stronger than mono or copoly, but it’s super abrasion resistant, and lasts much longer than other lines. It can stretch, but only under a lot of pressure. This means high shock strength without any loss of precision. In fact, Stealth Leader is extremely sensitive and gives feedback even when slack.


Stealth Leader is 100% Fluorocarbon is a fast-sinking line, so you’ll mainly use it with jigs, dropshots, and other precise bottom tactics. You can use very light line on a spinning reel, but it’s better suited to baitcasters. As you may have guessed, its primary use is for fishing in very clear water. Many people also attach a few feet of fluoro as a leader to throw off sight-based predators like king fish and AJ's


Made in Japan


Japan sizeDiameter / MMStrength / KGStrength / LB